Auroville Press

Auroville Press is a printing press founded in Auroville in 1982 with two aims: first printing all kinds of materials related to the ideals of Auroville and Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s vision (evolution, education, the future of India, integral yoga, etc.) And secondly being a service for Auroville.

Book Printing

Our offset printer is a very experienced person who handles black and white or colour matter in an extremely competent way.

Book Screen Printing

Auroville Press is also fond of screen printing (posters, cards, book covers, etc.) on the beautiful handmade paper of its sister company Auroville Papers link.

Book Binding

The employees of Auroville Press are experts at binding books by hand, whether paperbacks or hard bound books. Our binding is strong, long lasting and elegant.

Book Designing

We design book covers, posters, leaflets, coffee table books, exhibitions, etc. We collaborate with authors and publishers in creating original layouts for their books.